Thursday, October 27, 2011

Have technological advances had a positive effect on the lives of people in your country?

In my point of view the answer is absolutely yes. My country is affected by many positive advantages derived from technology for instance the daily use of the internet and the computer itself as well as the television with all its multinational programs. All these information channels supply us with news from all over the world. As a consequence the people become better informed and more critical. For example, citizen can compare different prices online offered by different vendors. So their decision is based on more information because of the use of technology. But for sure, technology also bears risks,however, that is another story and should perhaps be told a different time.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Have technological advances had a positive effect on the lives of people in your country?

In my country technology has been implemented in society and culture, faster and faster and with an increasing force. In my understanding, there are both advantages and disadvantages in this implementation that has been occurring all over the years. Communication becomes more accessible, the information "runs" faster and more easily. Medical advances surprise us everyday, and the education becomes changeable supplemented with technology. Today, living without technology in my society is quite impossible, however, we must not drop entirely in a technological life. Technology complements, it doesn't substitutes. An email doesn't taste like a hug, a site doesn't taste like a book, playing a computer game doesn't taste like playing in the street. Clearly our country has evolved considerably in many ways with the technological development, it's up to us people, to choose between the advantages and disadvantages that technology can offer.

Technological Advances

Day by day technology has been implemented in our culture and society, today, it’s quite impossible to live without it, it brought us great benefits and led us to a globalized world.What is often forgotten is that great developments lead to great responsibilities. For example, Industry as we know it, dismissed much of the human work, obviously when mechanized the work becomes faster, but on the other hand, this led to a major pollution and to a new type of unemployment. Like everything, the technological advances also have their advantages and disadvantages.Of course, we can enjoy what the “modern world” has to offer, but we should also evolve gradually with the technology. Without forgetting the human being’s role in the mechanized world he created.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Have technological advances had a positive effect on the lives of people in your country?

Technology most definitely improved the conditions in which people live in my country. There are more Cape Verdeans outside the country than in it, and until the spread of computers (thanks to technological improvements that made them more affordable) and Internet, it was very difficult to deal with the costs and limitations of long distance communication. Now almost everyone can have endless video conferences from their home via Skype, and for those who can’t afford that, there’s a cybercafé in every corner, which is also a positive effect, allowing people to start their own businesses. The internet has also had a huge impact in learning as it allowed access to information and knowledge that was never possible before, since the libraries were very limited in resources. Last but not least, technology improved medical care by enabling the discovery of cures and treatments for many serious diseases.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Have technological advances had a positive effect on the lives of people in your country?

In my opinion, technology had a positive effect in my country because it mades us closer to each other contributing to globalization. Made some aspects of our life who were once hard, made them easier and had a strong impact in some areas like Medicine for example. Of course it has its downsides but it's up to mankind to impose litmits on the usage of technology.

Have technological advances had a positive effect on the lives of people in your country?

The advance of technology has greatly changed our society, completely revolutionizing the way we do almost every single thing we do. For example, hundredths of years ago, it was simply impossible to communicate with someone on a different country without having to wait at least a month. However, currently you can chat directly with someone on the other side of the world using the internet, with programs such as Skype and Windows Live Messenger. It has also done wonders in other fields, like medicine and industry, improving our quality of life and allowing a better organization and propagation of information. However, this has also made us rely much more on technology, and if we don't take care we might end up completely dependant on it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Technology in Medicine

   In my opinion technology had a major effect on Medicine, today is almost impossible to imagine hospitals and health centers without technological devices.
   Nowadays to diagnose or treat a disease we use pieces of machinery designed to the effect like RXs or ultrasounds.
   Technology also made the pharmaceutical industry much more productive and affordable to almost everyone.   

Friday, October 14, 2011

1st written assignment

This is to remind you that your first written assignment is due to be handed in in class next Wednesday, 19th October.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


C) The Handmaid’s Tale:
The kitchen was finally cleaned, the stove was still warm, but everything was in its place. It’s funny that even with all the furniture, food and dishes, the room still had an empty feeling. Like the feeling you get at an abandoned house, even if you see pictures, furniture, and clothes, there’s this weird silence that tells you that something isn’t right. I believe this happens because no one feels comfortable here, as if none of us is actually free.
I remember when I was free, when I was happy, when I used to make plans. I miss those days: full of sounds, colors, smells and laughter, yes that’s what I miss the most, the sound of children (and adults too) just being carefree.
I miss being able to choose my own clothes, not having to whisper, not being alert all the time, but I guess being a Martha isn’t that bad. I mean a Handmaids life is worst. I can’t even imagine going through what they go through. Honestly I think I’d rather be an Unwoman.  And I don’t even envy the Commanders’ Wives, they all try to hide it, but you can see that they’re not happy either. It must be really frightening to come to realize that although you are in a higher position, you feel as miserable as those below you.
I don’t like going outside, I don’t like acknowledging the Angels presence. But I love watching the garden, so well kept, the trees, the flowers, the grass, it’s as if the gods were reminding us that they haven’t lost hope on Humanity just yet.
Everyone’s expressions were telling a different story anyways. We were all just conforming to this new world order. Everyone had an opinion about it, good or bad, but most of us wouldn’t even admit to it, let alone say it out loud. No, it was too dangerous. Not that we didn’t trust our friends, but you never know who could be listening.
That’s why I don’t mind being a Martha, when you are constantly working, constantly checking this or that, responding to this person or the other, you don’t get many chances to think about your position, your life, or the dreams you used to have. And therefore there aren’t a lot of opportunities for you to get into trouble.  And when the night comes and you get to rest, you are too tired to think about anything, too tired to even dream. Actually I don’t recall the last time I had a dream, I mean not even a nightmare. I think our reality is far more frightening than any nightmare we could think about. And if you think about it when you live the way we’ve been living, there’s not a lot more a person could fear, right.