Thursday, October 13, 2011


C) The Handmaid’s Tale:
The kitchen was finally cleaned, the stove was still warm, but everything was in its place. It’s funny that even with all the furniture, food and dishes, the room still had an empty feeling. Like the feeling you get at an abandoned house, even if you see pictures, furniture, and clothes, there’s this weird silence that tells you that something isn’t right. I believe this happens because no one feels comfortable here, as if none of us is actually free.
I remember when I was free, when I was happy, when I used to make plans. I miss those days: full of sounds, colors, smells and laughter, yes that’s what I miss the most, the sound of children (and adults too) just being carefree.
I miss being able to choose my own clothes, not having to whisper, not being alert all the time, but I guess being a Martha isn’t that bad. I mean a Handmaids life is worst. I can’t even imagine going through what they go through. Honestly I think I’d rather be an Unwoman.  And I don’t even envy the Commanders’ Wives, they all try to hide it, but you can see that they’re not happy either. It must be really frightening to come to realize that although you are in a higher position, you feel as miserable as those below you.
I don’t like going outside, I don’t like acknowledging the Angels presence. But I love watching the garden, so well kept, the trees, the flowers, the grass, it’s as if the gods were reminding us that they haven’t lost hope on Humanity just yet.
Everyone’s expressions were telling a different story anyways. We were all just conforming to this new world order. Everyone had an opinion about it, good or bad, but most of us wouldn’t even admit to it, let alone say it out loud. No, it was too dangerous. Not that we didn’t trust our friends, but you never know who could be listening.
That’s why I don’t mind being a Martha, when you are constantly working, constantly checking this or that, responding to this person or the other, you don’t get many chances to think about your position, your life, or the dreams you used to have. And therefore there aren’t a lot of opportunities for you to get into trouble.  And when the night comes and you get to rest, you are too tired to think about anything, too tired to even dream. Actually I don’t recall the last time I had a dream, I mean not even a nightmare. I think our reality is far more frightening than any nightmare we could think about. And if you think about it when you live the way we’ve been living, there’s not a lot more a person could fear, right.

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