Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Technology in Medicine

   In my opinion technology had a major effect on Medicine, today is almost impossible to imagine hospitals and health centers without technological devices.
   Nowadays to diagnose or treat a disease we use pieces of machinery designed to the effect like RXs or ultrasounds.
   Technology also made the pharmaceutical industry much more productive and affordable to almost everyone.   

1 comment:

  1. Medicine is one of the fields that has developped the most in the last century, which is amazing. New tools, machines and devices provide a quality health care, sometimes not so affordable, but that's another story.
    As I said before, our life span increased exponentially thanks to advances in this field, especially in developed countries. In developing countries there's still a long way to go, unfortunately.
    In Portugal, some diseases, such as tuberculosis, polio and smallpox have practically disappeared thanks to our eficient vaccine programme. And I really hope someday someone finds the cure for HIV and cancer, Medicine's biggest misteries at the time.
